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Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

Children's room design

Designing a child's room? What I encountered was the parents. Now here comes the first difficulty immediately. Why, who immediately revealed the wishes of the mother or his father about his son's room interior. Mothers and fathers want such and such.

Not infrequently parents had brought some reference pictures of their child's room to the interior or photo book. It's funny when it happened then they asked to copy and paste the interior rooms of the house of a neighbor children or relatives.

Against such a client tries to convince me that ideally the child's room interiors are the result of the wishes of the child. Do not think the child had no idea anything about the interior room.
Generally they agree. But there is also a give a deposit message: but not that such and such ya mbak. "We do not like the taste of our son's".
There are also clients who do not understand what I mean. The reason: "Lha my son a new age of 2 or 3 years. He has not understood anything. "
I think the assumption was not appropriate. I usually ask permission to get to know the boy. I see everyday, favorite or favorite colors. Included in their world and chat with their language.
I often find klo kids like a lot of bright colors in his room as an example the picture above.

The concept of interior room a good boy in my opinion is that possible to be developed at a later date. In line with the child's development. Prepare the space / room for a desk. Although, it may not yet needed.
Some other things to avoid in designing a child's room. Avoid using products that use hazardous materials. Especially paint. Do any field or a sharp angle. And do not put decorative items which endanger the child's room.
Note the circulation of air into the room. For children under five years, access to and from the room parent must be a consideration.

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