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Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Green architecture

 Green building is the practice of increasing efficiency through the use of the building - a source of energy, water and materials - while reducing building impacts on human health and the environment during the life cycle of a building, through the tread, better construction, operation, maintenance and removal.

Green buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the environment by:
Efficient use of energy, water and other resources
Protecting the health of passengers and improve employee productivity
Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation

A similar concept is natural building, usually on a smaller scale and tends to focus on the use of natural materials available locally. Other frequently used terms include sustainable design and green architecture.

related concepts of sustainable development and sustainability are integral to green building. Effective green building can lead to 1) reduce operating costs by increasing productivity and using less energy and water, 2) improving public health and passengers with the quality of air in the room, and 3) reduce environmental impact, such as reducing runoff rain water and heat island effect. Practitioners of green building often seek to achieve ecological harmony, not only between the structure and aesthetics, but also on the natural and built environment, although the look and style of sustainable buildings is not necessarily different from their counterparts who are less durable.

Environmental Impact

green building practices aimed at reducing the environmental impact of buildings. Buildings represent a large number of soil use changes in the consumption of energy and water, and air and mood. United States, more than 2 million acres (8100 km2) of open space, wildlife habitat and wetlands are developed each year.

In 2006, buildings used 40 percent of the total energy consumed in the United States and the European Union. United States, 54 per cent share of residential consumption and 46 percent in commercial buildings. In 2002, the building where about 68 percent of all electricity consumed in the U.S. with 51 percent for domestic use and 49 percent for commercial use. 38 per cent of total carbon dioxide in the United States may be associated with buildings, 21 percent of households and 17.5 percent of commercial use. Buildings account for 12.2 percent of the total water consumed per day in the United States.

Given these data, reducing the number of buildings consume natural resources and the amount of pollution is considered important for future sustainable development, according to the EPA.

Environmental impact of buildings is often underestimated, and perceived costs of green building exaggerated. A recent study by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development found that excessive fees by 300 percent green, as a key player in real estate and construction estimate the additional costs of 17 percent compared to conventional construction, more than three times the actual cost of the average mean difference of about 5 percent.

green building practices

Green building brings together a wide range of methods and techniques to reduce and eventually eliminate the effects of buildings on the environment and human health. often emphasizes taking advantage of renewable resources, eg, using sunlight through solar technology, solar active and passive solar-based plants and trees through green roofs, rain gardens to reduce runoff and water flow. Many other methods such as using packed gravel for parking, rather than concrete or asphalt to enhance the addition of groundwater are also used. As green building is more than just a random set of environmentally sound technologies, however. They require careful attention and systemic implications for the lifecycle management of resources contained in the building and resource consumption and emissions throughout the life cycle of a building.

On the aesthetic side of green architecture or sustainable design philosophy of designing buildings in harmony with the natural features and resources surrounding the site. There are several important steps in designing sustainable buildings: specify green building materials from local sources, reduce loads, optimize systems, and the creation of renewable energy on site.

Green Building Materials

Building materials typically considered to be 'green' include rapidly renewable plant materials like bamboo and straw, wood from certified forests are managed on a sustainable basis, stone, recycled stone, recycled metal and other products that are not toxic, reusable, renewable and / or processed (eg, Truss, linoleum, wool, panels made from paper flakes, baked earth, crashing into the earth, clay, vermiculite, flax, ramie, sisal, sea grass, cork, expanded clay grains, cocoa, hardboard plate, stone, sand calcium ...). Building materials should be extracted and the local production at a construction site to minimize the energy embedded in their transportation.

Reduce energy consumption

Green buildings often include measures to reduce energy consumption. To improve the efficiency of the building envelope (the barrier between conditioned and unconditioned space), they can use high performance windows and insulation in walls, ceilings and floors. Another strategy, passive solar design of buildings, which are often held in homes with low energy. Website Designer window and wall orientation and attempts, entrances, windows and trees in the shadows and rooftops in the summer when the maximum solar energy during winter. In addition, the efficient allocation of windows (light) can provide more natural light and reduce the need for electric lighting during the day. solar water heater to further reduce energy costs.

Finally, on-site generation of renewable energy using solar, wind, hydro, biomass can significantly reduce the environmental impact of buildings. Electricity production is usually the most expensive to add to the building.

Waste reduction

Green architecture is also seeking to reduce the loss of energy, water and materials. During the construction phase, one goal should be to reduce the amount of material in landfills. Well-designed buildings also help reduce the amount of waste produced by residents and by providing local solutions, such as composting to reduce the problem to go to landfill.

To reduce the impact on wells or water treatment plants, there are a few options. "Greywater", wastewater from sources such as dishwashers, washing machines can be used for underground irrigation, or, if this medication for non-drinking, for example, toilets and washing machines. Rainwater harvesting is used for similar purposes.

centralized wastewater treatment can be expensive and consumes more energy. An alternative to this process of converting garbage and waste into fertilizer, thus avoiding the cost and see other advantages. Through the collection of human waste at the source and run the plant in a semi-centralized biogas plant with waste liquid organic fertilizer can be produced. This concept is evidenced by the settlement of Lubeck in Germany in the late 1990's. This practice represents a soil of organic nutrients and the establishment of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. production of synthetic fertilizer and more costly in energy than the process.

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