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Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Classical Victorian style house

Example style house a work of architecture is part of a trend. Each person should have a sense of style but not every style should be part of one's life. Therefore, every style in the field of architecture can remain durable and must always be fans. Similarly, a work which will be discussed this, arguably the specific and quite rare in the middle and tropical minimalist modern era, the classic Victorian style is elegant and comfortable.
Shelters are located in Pondok Kelapa. East Jakarta is a family residence H. Sudirman M.R. designed by architects and interior designers Dyah Darwandi Retnowati Notices consultant team harmony. 

As a member of a large family who often hold meetings in this residential H. Sudirman MR want to build an extensive residential land despite measuring only 600 m2. Owners do like the classic-style dwelling that expresses luxury and reliability, lifestyle and art appreciation owners combined with the exotic touch of traditional ornaments.
To express it seeks to apply the principle architects of European classical architecture, especially the nuances of colonial Mass known as an example of Victorian style homes. This can be seen from the typical use of building elements such as high doors and windows with double leaf shutters outside of the blinds while it is equipped glass shutters. 

The mass of the building is also designed symmetrical and shows a hierarchy among the front room is equipped by two doors for access in and out and porticoes in the center to drop off the vehicle. In addition, the figures show building the right balance of system such as the feet of the ground floor, upper floor as his body and the roof as the head of the building.
Special parts of the roof, the roof form typical applied classic Victorian Italianate style (a period in the development of Victorian Style house), a steep roof with the peak as if it stuck, and decorated with windows that stick out from the steep roof area.
Architects also mengadop other elements typical of Victori-Italianate cupola, which is part of the building that appeared between the composition of the roof / building mass that towered into the roof-like tower. In this building the diagram square cupola-6 with round windows and dome-shaped roof. 

Cupola is in addition to acting as a point of view also bertungsi as a source of natural lighting for a kitchen space that is right under the dome on the ground floor. Cupola dome-like shape is often encountered in the colonial buildings in Indonesia, for example museums Fatahillah, Indonesia Solo Branch Bank building, and building Sewu Lawang.
Other elements typical of classic Victorian style is also a decorative profile that decorate the walls, windows and fence. Use threaded steel material with a pattern of stylized curved on the balcony railing and stairs in and duco finish off white color in each timber increasingly emphasized the use of classical style atmosphere in this house.
In addition, some tropical building elements applied to anticipate changes in the tropical climate environment. For example teritis and overstek made wider than the standard classical-style buildings in general. The window is wide and high Platon also managed to optimize air circulation and the entry of natural light into the house so it feels comfortable space. Use natural materials like stone lining the floor of the entrance and plants in the front page also provides a refreshing touch of nature.
For the arrangement in the house, architects and interior designers strive to create feel spacious and impressive, especially around the main entrance which is the area to receive guests. Therefore, designed foyer that integrates with the stairs at the front of the house and the area is designed with two floors and ceiling voids as high as 6 m.  


 Not only that, stairs and walls are also designed in the form of half circle and the ceiling decorated with a trim profile that resembles a beehive arranged so that the eye catcher in this area. Further guest room is placed next to the foyer and there is a partition of the partition between the foyer and the area in the house so that the privacy of residents is maintained.
Log into the inside, we find a family room that is designed directly overlooking the dining room and patio that can accommodate any activity during the event together.
Living area is only sealed by a wide glass window that has views out to the swimming pool in the backyard. The bedroom and main bathroom are placed dl ground floor with wide windows to the backyard while the service area and garage on the other side of the residential plot. Upstairs, the architects create a hobby room surrounded by two children's bedroom and a gazebo in the rear balcony of a favorite place to relax in the afternoon.
In restructuring the room inside, interior designers applying the classic American style decorative ornaments simpler than the European classical style. Residential interior is also dominated by the composition of brown and off white color that presents monochromatic warm and homey atmosphere supported by good lighting (lighting) is good. 

With reference to the principles of classical style interiors, designers forge matching floral motifs with stripes motif as seen in the use of wallpaper and soft furnishings in the dwelling. In furniture, visible characteristic of the classical style on a curved shape and a touch of golden color that can provide a luxurious and attractive. Most of the furniture finishing duco and equipped by the seat of which is coated by a soft coating.
Thus, styled furniture is not just fulfill the function but also function as art objects (art work) combined with other interior accessories such as carpets, curtains and lamps. Owner's collection of art objects also play an important role in creating the "soul" dwelling and asserted personality of its owner. Overall, the results of a harmonious collaboration between owners, architects and interior designers can realize an ideal shelter. 

Fig. A residential interior composition is dominated by brown and off white color that presents monochromatic warm and homey atmosphere as seen in the living room.
Fig. 2 Face house furnished by porticoes in the center to drop off and vehicle and decorative elements typical example of classic Victorian style house in the form of decorative profiles that decorate the walls, windows and fence.
Fig. 3 The use of iron material threaded with stylized motifs on the balcony railing curved at the confirmed classic style atmosphere in this house.
Fig. 4 Log into the inside, we find a family room that is designed directly overlooking the dining room and patio that can accommodate any activity during the event together.
Fig. 5 Characteristic of classical style seen in a curved shape and touch of golden color that can provide a luxurious and attractive. Most of the furniture finishing duco as seen in the dining room.

Fig. 6 In arranging the room inside, interior designers applying the classic American style decorative ornaments more modest compared with European classical style as seen in the detailed banister and his wallpaper motif.
Fig. 7 Stairs and walls are also designed in the form of half circle and the ceiling decorated with trim profit that resembles a beehive arranged so that the eye catcher in this area.
Fig. 8 Character typical Victorian style, seen from the use of elements of high doors and windows with double leaf shutters outside of the blinds while it is equipped glass shutters and iron railings of the screw.
Fig. 9 Gazebo located in the balcony behind a favorite place to relax in the afternoon.

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