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Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Japan House Structure

japanese home picture 1

japanese home picture 2

The most important thing that must be reckoned at the time of building a house du Japan is the resistance to 4 seasons including summer and winter. Japanese traditional house made by first installing the main wooden pole in the middle. The floor is raised about 10 cm from the ground and covered with wooden beams for the floor, it aims to avoid moisture from the soil.Area kitchen and entrance hall has a floor made of wood but the room where normally used to sit like a living room, the floor is covered with a kind of webbing, called tatami. The Japanese do not usually use a chair in the room tatami reasoned, they would sit with reasonable tatami or use a thin pillow called zabuton. This is why the Japanese took off his shoes when entering homes.Framework of Japanese houses are made of wood and supported by the widening of a vertical pole, horizontal beam and frame arranged diagonally. Diagonal frame is an adaptation of foreign technology which was adapted by Japanese society. Characteristic of the Japanese house is the roof of a width and a high roof to protect the occupants from the sun in summer.In the past the walls of houses made of woven bamboo bonded with the soil mixture as an adhesive or glue it, but now many other materials to make various walls of Japanese houses. Materials often used today are plywood (plywood). In the past many houses that have pillars are hidden behind the wall. In the Meiji era (1868-1912), home made with the new method by placing pillars on the wall to reduce the hazard in the event of fire. In the Meiji era a lot of roofs covered with shingles or straw, but now usually a roof covered with roof tiles called kawara. Japanese houses today are made with a combination of traditional style and modern technology.

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