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Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

With easy decorating tips

In decorating the room, there are actually many things that must be considered to produce the maximum space and design. You'll want to concepts, ideas, and the shadow home of your dreams come true. Home interior decoration in accordance with the style and taste, accessories and furniture to your liking until a comfortable atmosphere that makes you want to always be at home.
Ideally a job best left to decorate the room and handled by people who are experts and professionals in their field, an interior designer. But use the services of an interior designer would require an extra fee, and not everyone can set aside a budget to hire a professional interior designer. Create your are bored with the look of the room and wants to change it, here are some tips that will help you decorate the room.

1.Install accessories with an odd number. This affected the balance. Accessories with an odd number will be better and nice views compared with the number even.

2. Match your decor with your lifestyle. If you frequently move, choose furniture that is neutral, because the decor is neutral match any decor. If you have children or pets, choose a carpet that is easy to clean and color to camouflage the dirt.

3.Make the paint to minimize flaws and highlight the advantages of the room. For example: bright colors to make the room look great. Dark color to make the room feel comfortable (cozy).

4. Place a picture / painting of your eyes look up to. By suspending selevel eyes, painting / drawing will be more enjoyable. This will also make paintings more compatible with sofa or chair.

 5. Use a wallpaper and customize to your home. Use wallpaper with bright textures and small-sized image to a smaller room. Instead use a wallpaper with a large image and a dark background for a large room. 

6. Collect pictures of rooms you like. Often it is difficult to define and create a room that we like in words. See the photo to determine the similarity / resemblance. Is it the same color, same shape, same type of furnitue, etc.. While you can specify one by one, you will be easier to describe and concluded style / style what is right with you.

By following a few tips above, then you can decorate your own home interior. Congratulations Decoration.

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