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Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Classic Modern Home

Desain adalah ibarat sebuah ‘Manual’ pelaksanaan bangunan. Semakin jelas dan lengkap informasi yg disajikan dalam manual tersebut, semakin mudah dan cepat bangunan diselesaikan sesuai desain yang dibuat. Juga semakin kecil kemungkinan terjadi kesalahan, kekeliruan, kebingungan, coba-coba lalu salah, pemborosan akibat terlalu memaksimalkan factor keamanan, bahkan kerugian materi akibat bongkar pasang atau perbaikan kesalahan.
Lebih daripada itu adalah penyajian desain berupa karya arsitektur dengan tampilan 3 Dimensi dan render realistik, akan mudah bagi kita untuk memilih model yang disukai untuk dijadikan ‘Desain Pilihan’ dan selanjutnya menjadi manual dalam melaksanakan bangunan secara terarah.
Coba kita perhatikan daftar manfaat berikut:

  • Architectural Drawing, Shape and Dimensions of Buildings is clear and accurate.
  • Figure Electrical Installation, Clean & Dirty Water and other utilities.
  • Accurate Picture Structure and Details.
  • RAB (Budget) Bill of Quantity (Volume Materials required.)
  • Easily implemented, Precision Time management, precise and accurate work.
  • Effectively, without unloading tide and neat.
  • Efficient Materials, No shortage of supply or purchase excess materials, so that efficient
  • Effectively, without unloading tide and neat.
    Efficient Materials, No shortage of supply or purchase excess materials, so that efficient.
    So the conclusion is simple, the complete design will produce a smooth development process, without significant problems, on time, without conflict or non-technical understanding in terms of design, without unloading pairs, and so save money.
    The amount incurred design costs are nothing compared to losses that could occur if the building without a complete manual. The amount incurred design costs much less than the efficiency obtained, both in terms of financial, energy, time, and relationships among personnel in the field.
    Take the case; building area of 200m2. Complete design costs $5, -/m2. Construction cost of  $300, -/m2.
    The total cost of design $800, -
    The total development cost $6000, -
    Mean percentage of design costs of the construction cost only 1.6% of total construction costs. Nearly one-hundredth of the total cost. It really is not comparable between the benefits that can be provided at a cost must be spent? CHEAP!
    Yes, it's design is only "a few sheets of paper" which in terms of physique may not be valuable, which is produced only by the outpouring of human time, not a precious item that has a "physical value" high like gold for example. But the value of our creative work was the one who deserves to be appreciated, the results of intellectual thought which was to save costs, and benefits are
    very great for your long term investment, that is a building that house of your dreams come true.

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