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Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Some classic house design

classical design drawing,1
At first glance, if only to see the exterior only, "feeling" at home is very contemporary feel. But try to "look" into the interior. Rigid and massive impression created by the mighty figure of concrete in the interior lost, refined by the feel of wood on shelves and walls. Plants on the patio also soften and soothe. Hopefully you are inspired
classical design drawing,2

 interior design is very classic and comfortable when used as a residence for the occupants, who know you are inspired to build a house like in the pictures above.capacity of the room is very spacious and comfortable for your family.
classical design drawing,3
interior design this one is very minimalist and classic comfort and menyajukan an incredible underwater interior walls are made of translucent glass that can be anyone you know may be interested and could design a house like the tone of the picture above.the room is ideal and very convenient for families.
  classical design drawing,4
The above is an image around a minimalist design and kliahatn house cool and comfortable when used as a residence for you all.design houses such as the picture above is suitable under on cold region that presents the natural panorama of the cool interior of this house design is very easy to be viewed from the outside it was comfortable and classic.

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