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Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Indonesian-style minimalist home

minimalist home pictures in Indonesia 1

minimalist home pictures in Indonesia 2
TRENDS architecture in Indonesia at this time tend to glance back home minimalist style. Even more specifically, the minimalist style of Indonesia. Minimalist house ala IndonesiaHow can a minimalist model ala Indonesia? Chairman of Indonesian Institute of Architecture of South Sulawesi, Ir Muaz Yahya said that Indonesia's minimalist style tended tropical style, but still retains its minimalist style.Minimalist style can be mapped into two groups, namely a minimalist style that carried down to the middle of economic society and economic society to the top.Economy down, choose a house with a minimalist style with the aim of saving on the cost factor, by accentuating clean architecture without ornaments that add costs.
Adoption of the EuropeanHOUSE with a minimalist style basically adopted from Europe to Indonesia. Only, minimalist style of Europe, taking the form of cubes, without using the roof. He also simple and practical without barriers.
Initially, according to, the architectural look of these styles in the middle of the monetary crisis hit Indonesia. Among architects and mensiasatinya for permanent housing needs are met.
As a result, minimalist style in the stretcher to Indonesia, by adding a little style Tropical. "Because we Tropical style, the minimalist home in Indonesia, keep a cube but added a triangular roof on it that serves as the current flow of rain,".
Minimalist house eventually became a trend and demand of all circles. Even just accidentally become a trend. Understandably, minimalist style house easier to maintain and practical for cleaning.
Minimalist More VersatilityCONCEPT minimalist house more multifunctional. More minimalist home design on a house without insulation. Thus, a room can easily be enabled according to owner tastes.Minimalist house already leave the ornaments because it tends to be expensive and inconvenient. Because, basically, more minimalist concept offers the comfort, and practical in its treatment.According to the architects of Indonesia, currently not only an ideal home-style minimalism, kantorpun very possible for a minimalist style. For a minimalist style, continued Muaz, can be designed in a house or a room with any type."Minimalism is suitable for all types of houses," he said.In Makassar, the concept of minimalist house pretty much found. As developed in the region as a concept Panakkukang town houses.These developments, said Muaz, suggesting a high appreciation of architecture Sulsel home trends.

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