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Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Tips for Designing a bedroom

Bedroom pictures.2

A house can not be called a house if there is no room in it. The bedroom is a place that is very personal. This is where we can and usually do various activities that personal. Not only that, in the bedroom we can also get the convenience and freshness after tired doing various activities of life.Structuring bedroom is very important. The value of art and beauty in it can emit the extent to which personality we have. Success in managing and designing the bedroom can become a kind of mirror our success to organize other aspects of life. Again, because the bedroom becomes a very strategic place in our lives.tips you can do to design and organize your bedroom to look more beautiful, organized, and make comfortable.
1. Before designing a bedroom, you must know in advance the size and extent of your bedroom. It is important to adjust the decorations and items you can place it in the bedroom.
2. For convenience choose a bed that is really suited to your taste. In addition, the course should be tailored to the size of your bedroom. That is, the bed not too many places to eat or just the opposite.
3. You should choose colors that are soft in the bedroom. This will give comfort to the room privacy. Soft colors will also provide a broad impression of the room.
4. Consider ventilation and windows. Ventilation is not just for accessories but also has functions for mental and physical health. Good ventilation will allow air circulation can smoothly enter and exit. This will bring a positive impact on health. Likewise with the bedroom window. To further add value to beauty, you can decorate the windows with curtains. White and beige color could be the right choice because it could represent a modern or classic style.
5. Television also can you put in your bedroom. By watching television, then you can be more relaxing in the bedroom. But keep in mind, the distance between the television with your bed should be maintained. Do not get too close so as not to damage your eyes.

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