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Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

Interior Room for Teenagers

Drawing rooms 1

 Drawing rooms 2
 Drawing rooms 3
  Drawing rooms 4

The color of the walls of the room should reflect a sense of calm.Passing through childhood, children need to express themselves seseuai with old growth. To support the new phase of life, availability of rooms also can not escape the attention of parents. What you have in mind for him?
Chamber of teenagers have fundamental differences with the children's room. As a child, he needs a room with an interior design that gave priority to security. The bed is not too high and the furniture that the endless sharp corners, for example. "Now, he can guard ourselves better," said Natalia Kartika, interior designer.
Teenagers tend to have a world of its own, as parents should not be entered or sister. In this case who actually wanted was privacy that is awake. If before he slept with his parents, it's time to move into his own room.

Where is the best location for a growing child's room?Actually, not only he should occupy the adjacent room with parents. "If you've been raised as a child who can be trusted, the location of the room not much of a problem," added Lee, Natalia close calls.
Even so, the rooms are side by side with parents has its advantages. Moreover, if you built a door
connecting the two rooms. "Whenever appropriate, parents and teenagers can access
each other without compromising the privacy side," said Leah who often designing the interior rooms.

While at home, adolescents typically spend most of his time in the room. Homework, listening to music, playing musical instruments, reading, and certainly did in the rest rooms. "For that, he needed support equipment while in the room," said Lia.
Problem structuring did not seem too complicated. Stay communicate with your teenager. "Ask and compromised the theme of interest," suggested Lee. No need to device or element of interior decoration that drain pocket to decorate her room. You and your child can actually save the budget by deploying creativity. "Suppose he likes Spiderman theme. Find yourself a picture of Spiderman, and in-color photocopying. Stick it on the wall of his room, "Lee pointed out.
For furniture, your teen need a larger mattress. Mattresses framed cars that used to be his favorite moment would not fit her body to accommodate the increased height. "Try not to put a mattress on the floor. In addition to preserve for the sake of cleanliness, health factors also need to be considered, "said Lee who is also steering the force on a parenting-themed magazines.
In addition to bed, teenagers also need a wardrobe, a desk, and furniture to put the audio device, computer, or gaming station might have had. If you permits him to receive the guests peers in the room, the base floor can be held for them. "In addition to also minimize the practical use of space," said Lia.
Little is still sharing a room with a teenage brother? If it is not possible make your own room for your teenager, it seems he must learn to compromise. "The expression he would have to be restricted in order to remain able to get along with the interests of younger," said Lia.
ColorWhat about the wall color? Of the three pieces that began to leave her childhood, Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha SpOG MARS always encourage them to be themselves. This sexologists concurrently gynecologist then let her baby determine the design of each bedroom. "I do not mind so I chose the color purple as the main bedroom," said Dhillon Puspitha Novapalloma, second daughter of Dr. Boyke.
The color of the walls of the room should reflect a sense of calm. That way, once entered, the child will feel comfortable. "Avoid the red color that suggests bias is not relaxed and angry. Even if kids want it, give it as an accent. Whether through a wall clock or a red border, "Leah explained.
For girls, the pink color should not be an option. Pink impressed even childish. "The rooms they can be smeared with yellow paint, green, or purple. The color should be soft, "said Leah who studied interior design in a self-taught.
Meanwhile, for young men, the color choices seem a bit limited. Shades of blue can be applied on the wall of his room. "Other Color may be, which is important to avoid dark blue and black colors that make the room cool displaced," said Lia.
Regardless of color, Lee warned, air circulation and lighting are also noteworthy. Then, do not get room changed into a warehouse. "As penyimpananan area, he could use parts that are under the bed drawers or boxes. Ask him to sort the items that do not need a regular basis. "Rei ...!!!

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